Confraternity of Saint Peter

Jesus went around to all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness. At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them because they were troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest. (Mt 9, 35-38)

What is the Confraternity of Saint Peter?

It is a society which gathers those who feel close to the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter and who wish to support its charism through prayers and sacrifices.
Thus the Confraternity contributes to the service of the Church, through supporting numerous vocations, the sanctification of priests and their pastoral endeavours.

Members commit themselves to

· every day:
1) pray one decade of the holy rosary for the sanctification of our priests and for our priestly vocations, 2) and recite the Prayer of the Confraternity;
· every year:
3) have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered once for these intentions.

What spiritual benefit do members receive from the Confraternity?

Their commitments place the members among our most faithful benefactors, and as such, among the particular recipients of our priests’ and seminarians’ daily prayers.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered each month for the members of the Confraternity in each area. Recollections and instructions in the faith are also foreseen.

How does one become a member?

1.  Fill in the enrollment form (Non European resident | European resident) and send it back to us when filled out.
2.  The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter will send to you in return the certificate of membership. The commitments take effect with the reception of the certificate.
3.  Members must be Catholics who are at least 14 years of age.
4.  Membership is purely spiritual and does not confer any rights or duties other than the spiritual support in prayer and charity in accord with the commitments described above.
5.  By themselves the commitments do not bind under penalty of sin.
6.  Membership and the commitments which follow it are tacitly renewed each year on the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter (February 22), unless expressly determined otherwise.

How does one receive news about the Confraternity?

Our channels of information – bulletins and websites of the districts or of the houses – will provide news about the Confraternity.





Prayer for Priests, to be said by members of the Confraternity of St. Peter.

Following a decade of the Rosary:

V. Remember, O Lord, Thy congregation.
R. Which Thou hast possessed from the beginning.

Let us pray.
O Lord Jesus, born to give testimony to the Truth, Thou who lovest unto the end those whom Thou hast chosen, kindly hear our prayers for our pastors.
Thou who knowest all things, knowest that they love Thee and can do all things in Thee who strengthenest them.
Sanctify them in Truth. Pour into them, we beseech Thee, the Spirit whom Thou didst give to Thy apostles, who would make them, in all things, like unto Thee.
Receive the homage of love which they offer up to Thee, who hast graciously received the threefold confession of Peter.
And so that a pure oblation may everywhere be offered without ceasing unto the Most Holy Trinity, graciously enrich their number and keep them in Thy love, who art one with the Father and the Holy Ghost, to whom be glory and honour forever.

Nihil obstat: Vic. Gen. FSSP, 05.II.2007
Imprimatur: Vic. Gen. Diœc. Laus. Gen. Frib., 28.II.2007

Post decadem Rosarii dicant:

V. Memento, Domine, congregationis tuæ.
R. Quam possedisti ab initio.

Domine Jesu, in testimonium Veritatis natus, qui usque in finem diligis quos elegeris, exaudi benigne preces nostras pro nostris pastoribus.
Tu qui omnia nosti, scis quia amant Te et omnia possunt in Te qui eos confortas : sanctifica eos in Veritate, infunde eis, quæsumus, Spiritum quem Apostolis tuis dedisti, qui eos in omnibus Tui similes efficiat.
Accipe quod Tibi tribuunt testimonium amoris, qui triplici Petri confessioni benignus annuisti.
Et ut oblatio munda sine intermissione Sanctissimæ Trinitati ubique offeratur, novam eis propitius adjunge prolem, et omnes jugiter in Tua serva caritate, qui cum Patre et eodem Spiritu Sancto unus es Deus, cui gloria et honor in sæcula. Amen.

Nihil obstat: Vic. Gen. FSSP, 05.II.2007
Imprimatur: Vic. Gen. Diœc. Laus. Gen. Frib., 28.II.2007

Un Notre Père, dix Je vous salue Marie, un Gloire au Père.

V. Souvenez-vous, Seigneur, de votre Congrégation.
R. Que vous avez possédée de toute éternité.

Seigneur Jésus, vous qui êtes né pour rendre témoignage à la vérité et qui aimez jusqu’au bout ceux que vous appelez : daignez exaucer nos prières pour nos pasteurs.
Ô vous qui savez tout, vous savez qu’ils vous aiment et qu’ils peuvent tout en vous qui les fortifiez. Sanctifiez-les dans la vérité, leur infusant selon notre demande l’Esprit que vous avez donné à vos Apôtres, afin qu’il les rende semblables à vous en toutes choses.
Recevez le témoignage d’amour qu’ils vous portent, vous qui avez accueilli la triple confession de Pierre.
Et afin qu’en tous lieux et sans cesse une offrande pure soit offerte à la très Sainte Trinité, daignez accroître leur nombre et les préserver tous dans votre charité.
A vous dans l’unité du Père et du Saint-Esprit, honneur et gloire éternels.
Ainsi soit-il.

Nihil obstat: Vic. Gen. FSSP, 05.II.2007
Imprimatur: Vic. Gen. Diœc. Laus. Gen. Frib., 28.II.2007

Zu beten nach dem Gesätz des Rosenkranzes.

V. Gedenke, Herr, Deiner Vereinigung.
R. Die seit Anbeginn Dein eigen war.

Lasset uns beten.
Herr Jesus, Du wurdest geboren, um von der Wahrheit Zeugnis zu geben, und Du liebst jene bis ans Ende, die Du erwählt hast: Erhöre gnädig unser Gebet für unsere Hirten.
Du, der Du alles weißt, weißt ja auch, dass sie Dich lieben und dass sie alles vermögen in Dir, der sie stärkt.
Heilige sie in der Wahrheit und erfülle sie mit demselben Geist, den Du Deinen Aposteln verliehen hast, damit Er sie in allem Dir gleichgestalte.
Nimm an das Zeugnis ihrer Liebe, so wie Du das dreifache Bekenntnis des Petrus angenommen hast.
Und damit der Heiligsten Dreifaltigkeit überall und ohne Unterlass ein reines Opfer dargebracht werde, vermehre ihre Zahl und bewahre sie in Deiner Liebe.
Der Du lebst und herrschest mit Gott dem Vater in der Einheit des Heiligen Geistes, Gott von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit.

Nihil obstat: Vic. Gen. FSSP, 05.II.2007
Imprimatur: Vic. Gen. Diœc. Laus. Gen. Frib., 28.II.2007

Tras recitar un misterio del rosario (es decir un padrenuestro, diez avemarias y un gloria) digase:

V. Acordaos, oh Señor, de Vuestra Congregación.
R. Que poseísteis desde el principio.

¡Oh Señor Jesús! Tu que nacíste como testimonio de la Verdad, y que amas hasta el fin a quienes has elegido, dígnate aceptar benígnamente nuestras súplicas por nuestros pastores.
Tú que todo lo sabes, tú sabes que ellos te aman y que todo lo  pueden en Ti que los confortas: santifícalos en la Verdad, infúnde en ellos, te lo pedimos, el Espíritu que diste a tus Apóstoles, el cual los haga en todo semejantes a Ti.
Recíbe lo que te ofrecen como un testimonio de amor, Tú que aceptaste benígnamente la triple confesión de Pedro.
Y para que así sea ofrecida a la Santísima Trinidad perpétuamente y en todo lugar la oblación inmaculada, se propicio en darles una nueva descendencia y consérvalos perpétuamente en tu caridad, Tú que con el Padre y el mismo Espíritu, eres un solo Dios, al cual se ha dado el honor y la gloria por todos los siglos.

Nihil obstat: Sup. Gen. FSSP, 21.III.2015
Imprimatur: Vic. Gen. Diœc. Laus. Gen. Frib., 15.V.2015

Po dziesiatce rózanca odmawiamy:

V. Wspomnij na zgromadzenie twoje.
R. Które posiadles od poczatku.

Módlmy sie:
Panie Jezu, Ty urodziles sie, by dac swiadectwo o Prawdzie i kochasz do konca tych, których powolales. Wysluchaj laskawie naszych modlitw za naszych pasterzy. Ty, który znasz wszystko, wiesz takze, ze oni Ciebie miluja i wszystko moga w Tobie, bo Ty ich umacniasz : uswiec ich w Prawdzie, wylewajac na nich, prosimy, Ducha, którego dales Twoim Apostolom, aby ich uczynil we wszystkim podobnymi Tobie. Przyjmij ich swiadectwo milosci, tak jak przyjales laskawie potrójne wyznanie Piotra. Niech czysta ofiara bedzie bez przerwy skladana Trójcy Przenajswietszej. W milosierdziu Twoim powieksz ich liczbe i zachowaj w Twojej milosci, który z Ojcem i Duchem Swietym zyjesz i królujesz na wieki wieków.

Nihil obstat: Sup. Gen. FSSP, 21.III.2015
Imprimatur: Vic. Gen. Diœc. Laus. Gen. Frib., 15.V.2015

Dopo aver recitato una decina del Rosario (un Pater Noster, dieci Ave Maria, un Gloria Patri), si dica :

V. RicordateVi, o Signore, della vostra congregazione.
R. Vostro possesso sin dall’inizio.

Signore Gesù, che siete nato per rendere testimonianza alla Verità, che amate sino alla fine quelli che Voi avete chiamato, esaudite benigno le preghiere che Vi eleviamo per i nostri pastori.
Voi che conoscete ogni cosa, sapete che essi Vi amano e che tutto possono in Voi che date loro forza: santificateli nella Verità, infondete in loro, Ve ne preghiamo, lo Spirito che deste ai Vostri apostoli, perché li renda simili a Voi in ogni cosa.
Accogliete la testimonianza di Carità che essi Vi rendono, Voi che benevolo accoglieste la triplice confessione di Pietro.
E affinché un’oblazione pura e santa sia offerta incessantemente alla Santissima Trinità in ogni luogo, propizio accrescetene il numero e preservateli tutti sempre nella Vostra Carità.
A Voi, che nell’unità del Padre e dello Spirito Santo siete un solo ed unico Dio, onore e gloria nei secoli.

Nihil obstat: Sup. Gen. FSSP, 21.III.2015
Imprimatur: Vic. Gen. Diœc. Laus. Gen. Frib., 15.V.2015

Depois de se recitar uma dezena do Rosário (um Pai Nosso, dez Avé Marias, um Glória ao Pai), diga-se:

V. Lembrai-vos, Senhor, da vossa Congregação.
R. Que possuístes desde o início.

Senhor Jesus, nascido para dar testemunho da verdade, que amais até ao fim aqueles que escolheis: atendei benignamente as nossas preces pelos nossos pastores. Vós que tudo conheceis, sabeis que eles vos amam e que tudo podem em vós, que os fortificais. Santificai-os na verdade, e infundi neles, nós vos pedimos, o Espírito que destes aos vossos Apóstolos, para que os torne em tudo semelhantes a vós. Acolhei o testemunho de amor que eles vos oferecem, vós que aceitastes benignamente a tríplice confissão de Pedro. E, para que em todos os lugares e cem cessar seja oferecida uma oblação pura à Santíssima Trindade, dignai-vos aumentar o seu número e conservai-os todos na vossa caridade. A vós que sois Deus com o Pai e o Espírito Santo, honra e glória por todos os séculos.

Nihil obstat: Sup. Gen. FSSP, 4.II.2019
Imprimatur:Vic. Gen. Diœc. Laus. Gen. Frib., 26.III.2019


General Chaplain
Father Stefan Reiner

French-speaking Chaplain
Father Hubert Bizard

German-speaking Chaplain
Father Gerald Gesch

English-speaking Chaplain
Father James Fryar

Australia-Asia English-speaking Chaplain
Father Adrian Wee

Europe English-speaking Chaplain
Father Seth Phipps

Chaplain for Spain
Father José Calvin Torralbo

Chaplain for the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Father Jakub Zentner

Chaplain for Portugal
Father Fernando António

Chaplain for Latin America
Father Javier Ruiz Velasco Aguilar