
35 posts

Closing of the General Chapter and nominations

Communiqué of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Thursday, July 18, 2024, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Denton, Nebraska, USA The closing Mass of the 7th Ordinary General Chapter of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter was celebrated this morning by three of its founders, Frs. Josef Bisig, Gabriel Baumann and Engelbert Recktenwald. In his homily, Fr. John Berg thanked […]

Election of the Superior General of the Fraternity

Communiqué of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Denton, Nebraska, USA The General Chapter of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), which takes place from July 3 to July 18, 2024 at the International Seminary of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Denton, Nebraska, in plenary session elected Fr. John Berg as […]

Audience with Pope Francis

Official communiqué of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter – Fribourg, March 1st, 2024. Following a request from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, Pope Francis invited Fr. Andrzej Komorowski, Superior General of the FSSP, to meet with him. He received him in private audience at the Vatican on Thursday, February 29, 2024, accompanied by Fr. Benoît Paul-Joseph, Superior of […]

Statistics update

Statistics as of November 1st, 2023 Members today Total: 569 (incl. 364 incardinated) Priests: 368 o   342 incardinated o   20 incorporated ad annum o   2 postulants o   4 associated Deacons: 22 Non-deacons seminarians (including postulants): 179 Average age of members: 39 years Deceased members: 12 ♦ Priests   ♦ Deacons   ♦ Seminarians Nationalities All members Incardinated members Seminarians Increase and [...]

Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Fribourg, December 31, 2022 It is with sorrow that the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter learned today, December 31, 2022, of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who was on several occasions a providential support for our community. As Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he was instrumental in the founding of the Fraternity […]

Statistics update

Statistics as of November 1st, 2022 Members today Total: 542 (incl. 348 incardinated) Priests: 356 o   331 incardinated o   16 incorporated ad annum o   5 postulants o   4 associated Deacons: 17 Non-deacons seminarians (including postulants): 169 Average age of members: 38 years Deceased members: 11 ♦ Priests   ♦ Deacons   ♦ Seminarians Nationalities All members Incardinated members Seminarians Increase and [...]

Official communiqué of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter

Fribourg, February 21, 2022 On Friday, February 4, 2022, two members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, Fr. Benoît Paul-Joseph, Superior of the District of France, and Fr. Vincent Ribeton, Rector of St. Peter’s Seminary in Wigratzbad, were received in private audience by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, for nearly an hour. During the very cordial meeting, they recalled […]


[Original: Latin and Spanish] DECRETUM Sanctus Pater Franciscus, omnibus et singulis sodalibus Instituti vitae consecratae “Fraternitas Sancti Petri” nuncupati, die 18 iulii 1988 erecti et a Sancta Sede pontificii iuris declarati, facultatem concedit celebrandi sacrificium Missae, sacramentorum necnon alios sacros ritus, sicut et persolvendi Officium divinum, iuxta editiones typicas librorum liturgicorum, scilicet Missalis, Ritualis, Pontificalis et Breviarii, anno 1962 vigentium. […]

Actus Consecrationis Fraternitatis Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri ad Immaculatum Cor Mariæ

Novena ad praeparandum consecrationis actum Haec Novena ab omnibus sodalibus Fraternitatis dicatur singulis diebus a die 2 usque ad diem 10 mensis Februarii, potius post Missam publicam, ita ut etiam christifideles laici in ea participare possint. Privatim quoque dicatur, sed pro opportunitate locis et temporis. Post decadem Rosarii dicitur: Memoráre, o piíssima Virgo María, non esse audítum a sǽculo, quemquam […]

Statistics update

Statistics as of November 1st, 2021 Members today Total: 526 (incl. 336 incardinated) Priests: 341 o 319 incardinated o 13 incorporated ad annum o 4 postulants o 5 associated Deacons: 17 Non-deacons seminarians (including postulants): 168 Average age of members: 38 years Deceased members: 11 ♦ Priests ♦ Deacons ♦ Seminarians Nationalities All members Incardinated members Seminarians Increase and ordinations [...]

Official communiqué following the publication of Traditionis Custodes

Official communiqué of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter following the publication of the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes Fribourg, July 20, 2021 The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, whose goal is the sanctification of priests through the faithful observance of the liturgical traditions prior to the reform implemented after the Second Vatican Council (cf. Constitutions n. 8), has received Pope […]

Appointments and new structures within the FSSP

source: fssp.org Three years after the last General Chapter in July 2018, Fr. Andrzej Komorowski, Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, has decided, with the agreement of his General Council: – to reappoint Fr. Arnaud Evrat, Assistant, as Secretary General for three years; – to reappoint Fr. Stefan Reiner, Assistant, as General Treasurer for three years; – […]

Statistics update

Statistics as of November 1st, 2020 Members today Total: 504 (incl. 321 incardinated) Priests: 330 o 309 incardinated o 12 incorporated ad annum o 4 postulants o 5 associated Deacons: 12 Non-deacons seminarians (including postulants): 162 Average age of members: 38 years Deceased members: 10 ♦ Priests ♦ Deacons ♦ Seminarians Nationalities All members Incardinated members Seminarians Increase and ordinations [...]

Statistics update

Statistics as of November 1st, 2019 Members today Total: 482 (incl. 317 incardinated) Priests: 320 o 300 incardinated o 8 incorporated ad annum o 5 postulants o 7 associated Deacons: 17 Non-deacons seminarians (including postulants): 145 Average age of members: 38 years Deceased members: 10 ♦ Priests ♦ Deacons ♦ Seminarians Nationalities All members Incardinated members Seminarians Increase and ordinations [...]

Statistics update

Statistics as of November 1st, 2018 Members today Total: 460 (incl. 304 incardinated) Priests: 304 o 290 incardinated o 7 incorporated ad annum o 1 postulants o 6 associated Deacons: 14 Non-deacons seminarians (including postulants): 142 Average age of members: 38 years Deceased members: 8 ♦ Priests ♦ Deacons ♦ Seminarians Nationalities All members Incardinated members Seminarians Increase and ordinations [...]

Nomination of the District Superiors

The Superior General has nominated the following with the approval of his General Council: – Fr. Benoît Paul-Joseph as District Superior of France for three years; – Fr. Bernhard Gerstle as Superior of the Germanophone District for three years; – Fr. Michael Stinson as Superior of the North American District for three years. On behalf of all of the members […]

Election of the Assistants and Councillors of the Superior General

Thursday, July 12, 2018, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Denton, Nebraska, USA The General Chapter of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), held from July 3 to July 18 2018 at the International Seminary of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Denton, Nebraska, elected in a plenary session the Assistants and Counselors of the General Superior as follows: Assistants: Fr. Daniel […]

A new Superior General for the Fraternity

Monday, July 9, 2018, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Denton, Nebraska, USA The General Chapter of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), held from July 3 to July 18, 2018 at Our Lady of Guadalupe International Seminary, Denton, Nebraska, elected today in plenary session Fr. Andrzej Komorowski as Superior General for 6 years. The Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei” was […]

Statistics update

Statistics as of November 1st, 2017 Members today Total: 437 (incl. 293 incardinated) Priests: 287 o 272 incardinated o 8 incorporated ad annum o 2 postulants o 5 associated Deacons: 21 Non-deacons seminarians (including postulants): 129 Average age of members: 38 years Deceased members: 8 ♦ Priests ♦ Deacons ♦ Seminarians Nationalities All members Incardinated members Seminarians Increase and ordinations [...]

Homily of Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos on the 20th anniversary of the FSSP

[Original: German] Trinità dei Pellegrini Catholic Church, Rome, October 18, 2008. “He sent them two and two before his face into every city and place whither He Himself was to come.” (Gospel) Esteemed Superior General, Father John Berg, Esteemed Fellow Priests, Dear Seminarians, Dear Faithful! God, our Lord, has always wanted to save individual persons, to unlock for others the […]

Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI

Apostolic Letter of Pope Benedict XVI on the celebration of the Roman Rite according to the Missal of 1962 [Original : latin, unofficial Vatican Information Service translation] Up to our own times, it has been the constant concern of supreme pontiffs to ensure that the Church of Christ offers a worthy ritual to the Divine Majesty, ‘to the praise and glory […]

Conference of Cardinal Ratzinger on the 10th anniversary of the Motu proprio Ecclesia Dei

[Original: French] Ten years after the publication of the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei how does the account stand? Above all, I think it is an opportunity to show our gratitude and give thanks. The different communities born from this pontifical document, have given the Church a great number of priestly and religious vocations, zealous, joyful and profoundly united to the […]

Homily of Cardinal Ratzinger in Wigratzbad

Dear confreres in the priestly service, Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord! “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it” (Psalm 117:24). These radiant words of Easter, with which the Church responds today to the message of the Resurrection, are taken from an Old Testament liturgy of thanks, which was celebrated […]

Decree erecting the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter

[Original: Latin] COMMISSION PONTIFICALE ECCLESIA DEI Prot. No.234/88 DECREE This Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei“, in virtue of the special faculties granted to it by the Sovereign Pontiff, and graciously accepting the petition of the Reverend Father Josef Bisig, by this selfsame Decree erects the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter as a clerical society of Apostolic Life with Pontifical Right, according […]

Declaration of the Ecclesia Dei Commission

[Original: German] PONTIFICIA COMMISSIO ECCLESIA DEI Rome, 22 July 1988 Reverend Father Bisig, The Papal Commission, established by the Motu propri Ecclesia Dei of the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, on July 2nd 1988, has been notified that 12 priests, former members of the Society of Saint Piux X, have resolved, on July 18th 1988 at the Abbey of […]

Act of Foundation

[Original: French] By this act the undersigned clerics found the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter as a clerical Society of Apostolic Life, in conformity with the dispositions of CIC (can. 731-46), taking into consideration the exemption foreseen in the Protocol of 5 May 1988 and the Motu proprio Ecclesia Dei adflicta of 2 July 1988.  This society can associate lay brothers […]

Declaration of intention by the founders

Clarification [Original: German] For the honour and glory of the holy Catholic Church, for the consolation of the much troubled faithful, and for the peace of their conscience, the undersigned, members until now of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, declare  with profound regret over the illicit consecration of bishops on 30 June [1988] that they have remained within the […]

Motu Proprio “Ecclesia Dei” of Pope John-Paul II

1. With great affliction the Church has learned of the unlawful episcopal ordination conferred on 30 June last by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, which has frustrated all the efforts made during the previous years to ensure the full communion with the Church of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X founded by the same Mons. Lefebvre. These efforts, especially intense during […]

Protocol between the Holy See and the Priestly Society of St. Pius X

Text of the agreement signed at Rome during the meeting between His Eminence Josef Cardinal Ratzinger and His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. The Archbishop renounced the protocol before proceeding with episcopal consecrations on 30 June 1988 in the absence of a pontifical mandate and against the wishes of the Supreme Pontiff. [Original: French] I. Text of the Doctrinal Declaration I, […]